Vertical and horizontal versions of the logo.
The IFAI EXPO Americas Marketing Campaign
Industrial Fabrics Association International Expo Americas is the largest specialty fabrics trade show held annually in the United States. The marketing campaign for Expo Americas runs throughout the year with a branding identity applied to brochures, trade magazine ads, party invitations, postcards and web banners.
The trade association's 100th Anniversary was celebrated at the IFAI Expo Americas in Boston. The logo design for the event drew on visual references from the early days of the organization and the patriotic spirit of the 2012 presidential election year.
Opening night party invitation, postcard, three magazine advertisements
Full page magazine ad and magazine insert
Three animated GIFs
Fourteen manufacturers of canvas and awnings met in Denver in September, 1912 to form the National Tent & Awning Association which became IFAI. The Expo Americas 2012 logo is based on the ribbons seen on the lapels of the original founders in the 1912 photograph at right.