Cooks of Mill Reef cookbook
The Mill Reef Fund was founded in 1948 to improve the lives of the people of Antigua and Barbuda, West Indies, through donations to medical, educational, general welfare, and religious institutions on the twin island nation. The Cooks of Mill Reef cookbook was designed to honor the indigenous cooks at the Mill Reef Club by featuring their stories and recipes. Revenue from sales of the cookbook go into the Mill Reef Fund.
Each cook is featured in a photograph with a translucent vellum overlay printed with their biography
Typical spread with recipes.
• Size: 8.75" w x 8.75" h • 250 pages • 35 portrait photos • 170 recipes • Wire-O® binding
• Paper stock: 100# dull coated cover; 100# dull coated text • Translucent Vellum: 48# Natural Clear
• Cover pastel by Dan Donovan. Windmills processed sugarcane on the island in the 17th century.
• 35 portrait photos of the cooks. • Photography: Joshi Radin